As a Toronto and York Region medical malpractice lawyer, I am frequently asked about how one determines whether they have a case for medical malpractice. This is a difficult question, and one that generally requires an experienced medical malpractice lawyer to review your medical records and the particular circumstances that resulted in injury.
Most people understand that almost all medical procedures have some amount of risk, and some illnesses cannot be cured despite the best medical care and treatment. Toronto medical malpractice lawyers that defend doctors will argue that not all bad outcomes are the result of medical negligence or malpractice. This is true. Nonetheless, when a minor or routine medical procedure results in serious injuries, such as paralysis, loss of limb, organ damage or death, it is clear that something went horribly wrong. In such instances, it is important to consult with an medical malpractice lawyer to determine whether the doctors, nurses or other medical providers missed or ignored warning signs, or failed to order the appropriate tests. Many people never learn that they have been the victim of medical malpractice until they consult with a medical malpractice lawyer. Do not expect the doctor or hospital to tell you that medical malpractice has occurred or that it is even suspected. Most people will not be told that the serious injury or death was the result of medical malpractice. Instead, the doctors and hospital staff may advise that the patient had a rare complication. Sometimes you will only learn about the condition or complication without any explanation as to why it occurred. If you suspect that a serious injury or death occurred due to a medical mistake, you should not delay in consulting with a Toronto medical malpractice lawyer. A medical malpractice lawyer will obtain and review the relevant medical records. It is also likely, that the lawyer will have the medical records reviewed by a medical expert. For a free consultation with a Toronto and Ontario medical malpractice lawyer, contact Iacobelli Law Firm. Connect with Andrew Iacobelli on Google+ Comments are closed.
AuthorAndrew Iacobelli is an Ontario lawyer. Andrew focuses his practice on personal injury law. ArchivesCategories