What Is The Statute Of Limitations for a Car Accident in Ontario?In most cases, the statute of limitations on a car accident in Ontario is two years. This is the deadline to commence a lawsuit to recover for your losses. If you attempt to file a lawsuit outside of this time limit, you will likely be unable to recover compensation.
How long ago did your car accident take place? Speak to a car accident lawyer to protect your right to recover compensation. Exceptions to the Statute of Limitations for a Car AccidentThere is one notable exception to the statute of limitations. If the injured party is a minor child, they have until two years after their 18th birthday to file a lawsuit. This is known as “tolling” (i.e., pausing) the statute of limitations.
Note: In some cases, such as those involving the liability of a governmental entity the statute of limitations and other applicable deadlines can be significantly shorter. No Fees Until Your Car Accident Case is ResolvedWe understand that serious injuries commonly result in serious financial hardship. Iacobelli Law Firm offer contingency fee retainers, so that you pay no fee unless you win.
FREE CONSULTATIONCall Toll Free: 1-866-234-6093We welcome calls at your convenience,
7 days per week. Contact Form DisclaimerThe transmission or receipt of information through this website does not create a lawyer-client relationship. You should not submit confidential, sensitive, or damaging information via email or other electronic submission.
If you have been injured in Ontario, contact a dedicated personal injury lawyer serving York Region, Toronto, Richmond Hill, Vaughan, Markham, Aurora, King, Woodbridge, Concord, Newmarket, Thornhill, Keswick, North York, Scarborough, Peterborough, Brampton, Milton, and Mississauga. Connect with Andrew Iacobelli on Google+